Guide on How to Help Victims of Traffic Accidents

When you witness a traffic accident firsthand, do not panic and be rash in providing assistance. Make sure you are safe first, then pay attention to the situation and the possibility of giving first aid to the victim. Actually first aid for victims of traffic accidents, generally only temporary. The effort you give to the victim is solely intended to prevent the victim's condition from getting worse, while waiting for the arrival of medical personnel. Methods of Helping Victims of Traffic Accidents It is important to help others who have experienced an accident. But before giving help, first consider the conditions experienced by the victim. As a guide, there is a method for helping victims of traffic accidents, called Dr’s ABC, which stands for Danger, Response, Shout (for help) Airway, Breathing, Circulation. The following stages: D (danger) Make sure you are in a location that is not dangerous. Potential hazards that may still occur are fires, toxic gas leakage, or ...